People living in the U.S. have a shorter average life expectancy vs. those living in nearly all of the other developed countries. It doesn’t have to be this way.
A study in the journal Circulation looked at five lifestyle factors influencing how long humans live and calculated that those adopting these five habits, lived considerably longer (women +14 years, men +12 years).
Two studies—the Nurses’ Health Study and the Health Professionals Follow-up Study tracked people’s lifestyles and general health for 30 years. Here’s what they found:
The smart move is to drink little or not at all.
The best diet is something like the Mediterranean diet. Eating a variety of whole, unprocessed foods is also very protective of your health.
The study group exercising at least 30 minutes a day at a moderate to vigorous pace (including brisk walking) were at lowest-risk for developing certain diseases later in life and thus had the potential to live longer.
Other benefits of regular exercise include
12-14 more years of life? We can do this!
We’ve heard this all before and we know making lifestyle changes can often be extremely difficult.
That said, it’s not only about how long we live. It’s about how long we live being able to do the things we love with those we love.
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