Mar 4, 2019 • Daniel

A New Hope – Predictive Medicine’s Strategy for Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer’s disease now affects one out of every eight people over the age of 65, but it’s not a disease of old age. It develops slowly, starting its attack on the brain decades before symptoms appear

Predictive Medicine’s Strategy for Alzheimer’s

Predictive medicine is a revolutionary approach that combines genetic technology with proactive, personalized prevention. It offers a simple and direct strategy for addressing Alzheimer’s disease; don’t just wait for the disease to strike!

  1. Use relatively inexpensive, genetic screening (saliva test – no needles or blood) to identify individuals at increased risk.
  2. For those at increased risk, carry out more detailed genetic analysis to determine the most effective forms of prevention.
  3. Integrate these genetically tailored preventive measures into the patient’s person’s life, as soon as possible, thus effectively lowering their risk of contracting the disease so that it strikes (much) later or not at all.

Predictive Medicine,  Head Injury and Alzheimer’s

One of the most effective preventive strategies against Alzheimer’s is the avoidance of head injury. Unfortunately, head injury is very common among athletes of all ages and levels. Worse yet, a recent University of Michigan study has suggested that the rate of Alzheimer’s among football players may be as much as 20 times higher than in the general population

What You Need to Know:

  • Humans have a specific gene that helps the brain heal after injury. We can test for it. 
  • Approximately one in seven people have a malfunctioning copy of this gene, rendering their brain less able to heal itself.
  • People with this abnormal gene have increased risk of Alzheimer’s, but they face a far greater risk should they suffer any head trauma such as a concussion. For these individuals, a traumatic brain injury is like pouring gasoline on a roaring fire.

What You Can Do:

  • Undergo testing to establish if you or your children have this abnormal gene
  • If yes, take immediate action to prevent head trauma.
    • Consider choosing a non-contact sport
    • Always wear a helmet when engaging in any sports or activities where head protection can be worn.

Ask your Longeviti Health physician how predictive medicine and genetic testing can help you extract the maximum health benefit from your personalized health plan.

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